
Homemade Arduino with ENC28J60

After I complain of my Arduino Duemilenove due to lack of current to power other devices, I decided to build my own in perforated plate, with a 20 MHz crystal, an LM317 1A and a bus to connect ENC28J60. The part belonging to the Arduino occupies as much or less than the original PCB. Below is the part of the Arduino to function in full, with […]

Thomson WIFI Pass Remember

There was already a site where we could get the lost keys of the routers THOMSON, but had a limit too stupid (by IP)… I updated my Base-of-data to have routers 2010 (except those with new algorithm), and is online, but still won't provide in General, need to do some tests. It is at this point that […]

At last – Thomson WIFI KEYs – New BD

Finally 🙂 I finally recreated the database of thomson routers wifi keys to include routers manufactured in 2010 Atneção that many are not supported because the algorithm has changed… If anyone knows of anything relating to this subject… ‘Hostei’ the files on a file server so as not to occupy […]

imagefap Downloader

After some previous software estupidos errors, This already has fewer errors, but still not ready… But you get to test. For those who don't know, the www.imagefap.com site is a free image host site, who happens to have many galleries for more than 18, and this program is meant to make it easy for guys like me to […]

WEP keys and WPA by defect in routers MEO

I found some info on this for a while, but just yesterday I decici to do something, a small database (less than 200 megas) and is already, net membership for free on most muitoa sites. Of course only if the key is the default routers 😉

Already online

sitesportateis v 0.1.1 – Functional, with some (many) bugs, but it is stable to be published. Software: PHP www.php.net LitePHP 1.0 (Server + Browser) http://nunobrito.eu phpMyAdmin 2.11.4 www.phpmyadmin.net MySQL Server 5.0.45-community-nt www.mysql.com Download aqui! To test, just unzip and run the start.bat file, This file automatically opens the browser and run the mySQL server, to finish just close the window […]


Soon I will release the first version published, still going to be somewhat unstable… but we must give to test and for easier shaping edges. Hope takes only about two or 3 days… grams THC CBD improved torment reaction (2) For instance one Brazilian investigation in its mitigating activities and joint pain These cbd […]

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